Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fighting for our teeth.
With Xavier having so many oral sensory issues. Brushing his teeth has always been a challenge.
For about 4 years he had a dentist that worked with special needs children in our neighborhood that did a very good job of cleaning his teeth.

But about two years ago, when we went in for a routine cleaning, that all changed.
The staff took him back and after about 10 minutes came back out to the lobby to get me as he was on the verge of a melt down and all he would say to me was "car and home".
Xavier does nor have much language so when he makes a real effort to express himself, I LISTEN.

So we left and have not returned. I am not sure what took place that morning, but I usually follow my gut in those situations as well when I pull up to the dentist office he wont even get out of the car.

Fast forward to last year we tried a new dentist and even with him seeing Big Brother Jordan going through the dental appointment routine just fine, he BARELY made it through..Had to sit with him just to get the X-rays done.. The cleaning was even worse.. I sat on him most of the time...He was very afraid....

His dentist referred us to the Ga DDD Foundation and finally a few weeks ago we were able to get in to get a tooth filled that had begun to hurt him so much he was showing it to ANYONE that would look and "Say HURT"..

On March 3rd after fighting early morning traffic to get him to the dentist at 7am. Going from getting a filling to having a tooth extraction. Getting home and throwing up everywhere. Taking a nap and waking up to a lip that is twice its normal size. Pulling out the gauze and stitches himself and causing his mom to almost pass out. Eating jello and Apple sauce and rice and anything soft for three days. Becoming irritable and constipated from pain meds and Antibiotics and going from being out of school for two days to a week ( thanks to him ripping out everything and mom scared he gonna get dry socket... Xavier Trent went back to school like a thief in the night this morning and Lord knows his mom doesn't know who is happier about that ... Me or him ! LMBO... Thanking everyone who prayed, texted and inboxed me to check on him.... 
This boy is one tough dude ... Daddy, Mark L. Trent, need to teach this kid how to play football !

We now have clean teeth that no longer hurt and Mom that is determined to keep them that way.
Of course, I am sure on his next cleaning appt in September we are surely going to give him something to sedate him before we even drive back... LOL!

Fighting the morning Traffic to make it DDD by 7am

Showing Mommy his hurting tooth on the way.. I am trying to make SURE he understands that he is going to be HELPED not Hurt...

In the Waiting area...

They had to sneak a sedation shot in on him while I sat and distracted him.. Otherwise he would have fought them off..

He cant fight the Sedation shot, but he is really trying !!! 

After Surgery being brought into Recovery Room to Mom and Dad..Poor baby.. My heart melted when I saw him! 

Riding Home laying on Mom.. Very drowsy.. I have my "barf bag" ready just in case..;-)

After getting home, vomiting everywhere and taking a nap. Daddy left for work and he woke up like this! YIKES...!!! 

Found out later he had pulled the stitches and gauze out of his tooth and Dr had to call in Antibiotics as a precaution.

Can hardly eat with lip swollen but doesn't want mom to feed him.. ( I tried but he took the spoon from me ) Not a happy guy right now...  Can only have soft foods for next few days.. Not good for a meat eater like Xavier! 

A week home with mom and now we can close out mouth so not a risk for "Dry Socket"..Other than a bruise left on his lip, he is eating normal and ready to get out of the house and away from me. I am sure....;-)

Like a thief in the Night....Off to the school bus he goes !!!