Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Energy and more energy

There are times during Summer Break when Xavier starts to get Cabin Fever.

Because he is still having Meltdowns and I have yet to find a Summer Camp, etc that can handle him, Summers are usually spent at home with me.

I work nights so we usually get up later in the mornings
This is something I really feel guilty about in my parenting of Xavier.

Trying to balance the need to work and care and keep up with him.

On days when he is just bursting at the seams.. The CABIN FEVER starts to get the best of him and Me....
I have found that a little bit of physical activity helps him.

Especially if it is outside...

The Summers here in GA are like living in a sauna..
Soon after we started our walk , Xavier starts looking for a shady spot and finds it by the lake.

Then he starts asking for what he really thinks will cook him off..."Green Juice" Please ...
So afterwards we had to go get his "green apple" slush from Sonic.. He even showed me his "green tongue"...

So just a 30 minute walk on this day, really did us all in.
But at least I got a few hours of peace and quiet from Xavier and the Lucky afterwards..;-)

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