Friday, July 18, 2014


On June 20th
I decided to take Xavier with me to Wal-mart to pick up a video game order online for him.
But on this day, the short shopping trip went Totally wrong...

I spent an hour in Walmart struggling with a fighting, kicking Xavier. We went to pick up the video game we ordered for him and He wanted a LIFE GAME BOX and got away from me and got on the aisle with it.
It took over one Hour to finally get him out the store.
Sheriff came as well many Walmart workers and managers and even a man who offered to pray for me.
Then God sent help...
A worker that used to work in a group home helped me get him in a wheel chair. Big guy like his father so I think Xavier sort of "took to him"
I asked the mgr if I could Give him the box he wanted and then once in car I gave it back to Walmart worker to take back in the store. The ride home was rough but we made it through.
Then he got a little calmer in between his crying and screaming ...he stops and says "I'm sorry and it will be alright" and I melted.
You may say why post this?
Because ...
This is the real side of autism no one advertises but millions of parents deal with everyday and though I have been trained to deal with it ...and the training was NOT CHEAP... And dealing with it even with training NEVER does not make the emotions of it easier.
Then I think about the parents that can't afford care, that don't know what to do.
That can't attend church or go anywhere because of their child and I won't complain. So when you see laws NOT being passed to help the millions of people who are suffering, think about who you vote for and pray for those families as well. Families like mine...
He is still whining when we arrived home,His t-shirt is torn to shreds, and so is my heart because although these things dont happen very often anymore, they are NEVER easy. He was much calmer so I put some Ice on my arm and and marching on.. 

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