Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First 48

Ok, that last 48 hours have been rough for me.. REAL ROUGH!

Xavier lost his Katie Beckett Waiver officially on yesterday.  Mainly because my case worker no longer works at DFCS  and all my paperwork got lost and what I sent in wasn't good enough. Just the same ole, same ole, for a Government agency, nobody knows anything and nobody cares.

As well,  Xavier has been med free all Summer at the recommendation of his new doctor and has done great, but now that school has started he has gone down hill fast... and DOWN HILL FAST.

Just got back home with him because I was on my way to work this morning when the school called and I had to turn around and go get him.

Since Mark and I don't have supports at home, I have forgone having a career of my own to tend to situations like these.

After all, there is only so many times you can call your boss and say you were on your way to work but not coming because you have to go pick your autistic child up from school and actually KEEP your job.

So that is why I work PT and usually do something where I have a flexible schedule for times like these, but naturally I don't contribute as much to the household income as I once did before Xavier's diagnosis and that's a major bummer for me.

Although Mark seems to be ok with it, maybe because he says his mom never really worked until he was a teenager, I always feel like I had so many career goals for myself that I may not ever see..

Now I am at home, Xavier seems fine, after he has gotten upset and basically attacked everyone in his classroom.

I STILL Thank God. His teacher and staff are MARVELOUS!  She was near tears when I got there to get him as he has Never been sent home before.  She reassured me we are going to work through this as a team. that they are all in tears this morning over this and tell me no to blame myself for stopping the med. .. so we both sit teary eyed and hug.
She reminded me that if God brings me to it, he will bring me through it and that God only gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.  She hugs Xavier, tells him she loves him  and he and I get up to leave.

I have to admit, sometimes I wish God had less faith in me...

This is a far cry from the last school Xavier attended in Memphis in our Bartlett Neighborhood. Where when he would get upset , they would put a gym mat on the floor and allow him to kick a file cabinet until he wore himself out. Not thinking that maybe it could fall over on him?
What about the other children who heard this? or better yet Jordan who was just two classrooms away.

So today even in the midst of all this, I still praise God.

So now, I have got to see what is the next move, to get my baby back on track. First he needs an appointment this afternoon with his Dr. I will have to figure out what it is gonna cost since he was a doctor he saw under his Katie Beckett  wavier.  Did I mention Autism is expensive..?
Either way this doctor is gonna find another medicine for him if he cant have his old one back or he gonna have to find one for me instead...

A typical day unpredictable day in the life of a MOA (Mom of Autism)

Dear Lord,
Every day we need your guidance for our lives. Lord, we thank you for promising us that you are there to lead us every day. Lord, we ask that you would give us special wisdom and direction each day for Xavier. And we ask not only for divine guidance for ourselves, but for each one who works with him. We ask this especially for his teachers, para-pros, Behavior Specialist  therapists, and doctors. Father, we ask they would send your special anointing on them to move Xavier forward. We also pray that your Holy Spirit would touch those who help us as a family. Lord, we pray a special blessing in each one of these lives, and that you would reward them greatly.
In Jesus' Name,

Children of Destiny.com

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