Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why Me, Why now?

I am a very private person so doing this blog is SOOO out of character for me.
So why do it? I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me. Please don't hold any candlelight vigils for me... LOL!!

I am doing this blog because I want mothers who are dealing with autism or have a child with a disability or any other issues and feel alone, isolated and hopeless to know that there are many others out there who are on the same journey.

 There is power in speaking up and speaking out. There is also hope.

I want to help others by being transparent as I can. So many times when one is going through a trail we HIDE. 

Many others on my journey have helped me by being honest, open and letting me know what may lie ahead on this road. They have shared their experiences, feelings, disappointments and trials all in hopes of helping me and I hope that by sharing my experiences someone who has gone through something similar or is gong through something right now will know that they are not alone and if I can make it though so can you..

But MOST OF ALL, I want to use my life and experiences in my trail, my thorn in the side, as a living testimony that GOD can bring you through anything, IF YOU LET HIM. His GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.....

Yet, if God brings you through something you could not make it through on your own he wants you to praise him PUBLICLY.
He wants you to tell somebody as to encourage them, if you wont do it, he said the rocks will do it for you.

But then if the rocks will cry out and praise him when you wont, why should he continue to bless you?

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