Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Help from Unexpected places; Don Imus

My brother Scott called me one day and asked me if I knew a man named Don Imus.

Yes, that Don Imus, the one who a few years back got blasted for calling the Rutgers Ladies Basketball Team " Nappy Headed H's"

Yeah, I know, when that happened I was so sad, so disappointed in him, but  all of my good memories of Don just could not be erased.

After all he featured  information on his radio show about biomedical causes of Autism that changed the way and direction of treatment for Xavier for his good.

At the time, I had never heard of Don Imus as I never listened to talk radio. Besides, I was so overwhelmed with Xavier since he was not sleeping during the night at the time, very energetic and had no sense of danger that  I couldn't  even remember the last time I had listened to the radio..LOL!

During our call, my brother went on to tell me about a feature he did on a report from Robert Kennedy on vaccines and a lead used to preserve them when they are combined into one vial called Thimerosal.
Combining vaccines is a way Pharma companies save money on the vials that the vaccines come in. If they can put two in one vial that a two for one.
Problem is in order to keep the vaccine potent they use a lead based product to preserve it.

That's where the problem come in.

Here are the symptoms of Lead poisoning

Robert Kennedy's report is listed here:
The original report was done in 2005 I think.

But, I decided to go at Xavier's symptoms from a physical and biomedical direction from that point on and many things I have tried have helped him.
 So yes, I am one of those crazy moms who feels my sons autism was caused by a vaccine reaction and No he has not taken any more since then and as long as his Titers come back showing immunity, he never will as long as I am alive.

But I dont feel vaccines are the only thing that causes Autism and I dont believe it was the only thing that caused Xavier's.
I feel he has a immunity disposition that hampered  and still does hamper his body from  disposing of the thimerosal. An immunity issue similar to a person who is allergic to peanuts, or has celiac disease.  I believe that Autism is digestion and gut related for most kids. Especially since your gut is 70 pecent of your immune system.

In addition to this I feel the children today take three times as many vaccines as a child that was born when I was and that was just 40 years ago.

Don't get me wrong, I am not against vaccines altogether. Yet, I feel vaccines just as Special education classroom placement should not be a " one size fits all" .. thing....

I believe if your child titers are drawn and they still show immunity a second shot for the same thing is not needed and shouldn't be given. A few years back when I wanted to work PT in a hospital, I was told i would have to take a TB shot and Chicken Pox.
I had my titers drawn for Chicken Pox and I am STILL IMMUNE TO IT.. I think  I had that shot when I was like 6 years old and  I turned 41 last week. 
I also feel vaccines should be spread out more. Not so many given at such a young age when ones immunity if immature anyway.
Especially when between the ages of 0-2 one develops their beginning language skills and lead poisoning can take this away, just as I believe it did with Xavier.

So what is the reason other than to make money are we giving our kids so many more vaccines when many things they are being inoculated for have not been around for decades?

I guess the world will never know....But I guess a nerd girl like me will always study to show myself approved before I allow anyone to give, administer anything to me or anyone in my family as many times the motivation behind medical care has more to do with billing hours and RX payments, than actual health.

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