Sunday, September 9, 2012

No Day is a Routine Day

Ok, so I get up this morning and start the family on the road to worship as we do every Sunday morning.
But this morning is different. We are going to same church, same time, but today My husband and I are planning on attending worship.

Last Sunday we taught Children's Bible Hour and did not attend the second worship service as we normally do.

I admit, the first time we were asked to teach, Mark and I were skeptical. We teach 6-7 year olds and usually there are teens assigned to help with talking children to the restrooms, bringing us snacks to the classroom, etc. We use the teens help but for us Jordan is our in classroom assistant..  He keeps Xavier occupied.

The first time we taught we were afraid as to how the children would react to him.
Would they ask questions, would he frighten them if he made his normal " autism" noises"? What if he got upset? How would we handle that? Would one of us remove him from the room and how?

I must say when the bible says be thee like a little child. We can all learn something from children. They are HONEST, GENUINE  and for the most part WAAAY more accepting of people who are different than adults.

The first class was more fun for Mark and I than the children.  Xavier found a giant sized puzzle that two of the girls in the class helped him put together on one of tables he was sitting at. Throughout the class the girls " mothered" Xavier and little Bria even let him touch her eyelashes even when I told her not to allow him to do it.. ( Xavier has a thing for eyelashes, especially if a persons lashes are long, he has to touch them and it is a habit we are really trying to break ) She went on to explain that she had let him touch her eyelashes before as she understood why he wanted to as hers were"extra long" and made sure he held her head back and blinked really fast so we could see them.. Needless to say Mark and I cracked up and Mark told her don't blink too hard at too many boys as her dad is licensed to carry a gun., hes a cop! LOL !

Last week when we taught, Xavier got upset at the beginning of class because we were in a different room and he couldn't find the "Farm puzzle he had before.. So I took him across the hall into the old classroom, while Mark taught across the hall.
We eventually found "Farm" which is what Xavier kept asking for and I just cleaned the classroom while he put the puzzle together as he had done a month before. When he heard mark doing a Marching song with the kids after a bathroom break to burn off some energy, Xavier went over and joined in.. It was too cute and funny to see him huge over the kids marching along with them and smiling the whole time..;-)

But today, to Xavier since we taught class last week and didn't attend worship, we should have the same routine today. and more importantly he would get " Farm".. So when we started to get dressed at home, I told him " no farm" today, today we go to church and then to Nana's and he wasn't happy.

I have found that for Xavier, usually if I "warn" him of what he not going to do beforehand, he can get upset and move on. But today as we drove to church and he continues to ask for "Farm please".. I knew it was not going to be as easy to distract him. Much worse when we got to church, we found the worship had been changed to had a special program and worship service was packed!!

With the help of a "dum,dum" lollipop, Xavier made it into service, but within a few minutes, he started pointing to the door and asking for "Farm" , I soon realized this was gonna be one of those times, he would not be denied.. So when we stood up to sing, I motioned for Mark to give me his car keys and we went back to the car.. 
This used to happen ALOT. but usually one of us would take Xavier out of a place screaming to the top of his lungs. but now we have become pros at it.. I agree to whatever he is saying and get him out of the room. Today was no different.

Once in the car, Xavier began to realize that he was not getting the "farm" and that he and I were on punishment in the car and he was not happy. and neither was I.
Although Xavier has Autism, mark and I have chosen to discipline him. I proceeded to tell him that as I told him before church he was not getting the "farm" today and since he could not sit in church and be quiet we would sit n the car until daddy and brother were done as well  he had lost his usual after church treat of a " green juice and tots from Sonic.. Needless to say he was not a happy camper.

But since I know Xavier is more aware of his wrongs and rights that some autistic children I govern myself accordingly.

So while he sat in the back seat and pouted, I played on my phone, posted on my Facebook page, sent text messages and just relaxed.

Before this kinda stuff would have messed up my entire day, but over the years I have had to learn to accept these types of incidences as " ONE MOMENT IN TIME"  and that I have to leave it there after it is over... believe me it is much easier said than done and something I have had learn the hard way...

After church we went to Nanas and since Xavier associates her house with his beloved " computer" we had a little issues with him not having it and as well when it was time to leave, but all in all I think the day went ok.

But the fact remains, for a mom of an autistic child the "change in routine" can change an ENTIRE DAY.

When one of us has to miss church the other takes notes and during my car stint, Mark texted me the scripture and title for the sermon today... It was Matthew 17: 24-28 Title of sermon " GOD KNOWS ALL"..

and I sure am Grateful that he DOES...;-)

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