Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Finally I get to post!

So I haven't been able to get the time to blog for a week or so.
Besides taking a few days off for my birthday, Xavier has been having one heck of a time at school.

He has been sent home twice for behavior and he has NEVER, been sent home before.
I blame me as always.
I let the doctor talk me into taking him off of a med this Summer and although he did very well without during the Summer it proved to be the worst thing I could have done for school..:-(

I am one of those mom who never likes to give her kid any drugs. For me, after Xavier got diagnosed, I was very leary of anything being out into his system, especially pharmaceuticals and I still am.

I decided to wait until he was at least 5 years old (when most brain development takes place) and then I pushed that back to 10 years old, But when he hit pre- puberty last year , all H - - broke loose.. The kick of hormones literally turned my baby into a MADMAN!

                                                       Testosterone is a bad booger...

Top all the of the school drama I have been having with him, Jordan, my oldest, had two school prohects due in last two weeks..!
AND THEN, trying to move my mother closer to me and I have been one tired and busy chick!

I slept the WHOOLE day on my birthday, really I did...  I am officially OLD...

But anyway, now that we have touched on Xavier and his meds and taking him off for Summer and how that did not work when school got back in... Lets talk a little about what treatments I have found work ( for him)  and which ones haven't, shall we?

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